How To Find A Good Maid Service
You will be expected to provide all cleaning materials and tools- although you can request them to be supplied, at a cost. It is probably best to supply your own based on your personal brand preference.
A supervisor would normally visit you to go through all your requirements and make a task list for your home for the maid and perform an orientation.
A lot of companies also offer a baby sitting service, pet sitting, party hosting, car washing, grocery shopping and could also provide you with a full time live in maid.
Research is key to this process - you really need a professional, reliable and trustworthy company to be providing this service for you. You can ask for feedback on our Forum for peace of mind too.
Note: you will probably see both good and bad comments about all maid services - it always seems to be a very contentious subject! The best thing to do is trust your gut instinct - see how the service is from the initial contact - if you are not happy - don’t use them. When you do get your maid - spend some time orientating her - we are all from different places and have different levels, standards and ways of cleaning - no-one has a magic wand they can just wave to get it all done!) You may not always get the same maid every week due to circumstances but most companies do try and give you the same lady each week.
Look to use a company that has trained its personnel in the various tasks they will need to perform and are professional and swift in their dealings with you.
Remember - your maid may need some pointers to help her along the way so try and build a rapport with her. Most are from the Phillippines and English is their second language, so there may be teething troubles - be gentle!
Agency Maid Service Pros:
• Reliability - e.g. if you maid is sick/ on holiday you will still have your services performed
• Economical - you can control how much you spend based on your need and there are no visa/sponsorship costs
• Privacy - some people do not like the idea of having someone else living in their home
• Controlled - there is someone to discuss issues with at the service head quarters if need be
• Flexibility - you have an element of flexibility and can change the hours up or down if need be and the days
Agency Maid Service Cons:
• Consistency - maids can be changed which means you have to re-train
• Security worries - just make sure you lock or hide all valuables away for your own peace of mind
• Limited Time - you may find you need more hours than you have anticipated
• Vacation - you may find that some companies you sign a contract with may still charge you and service you while you are away.
Illegal Maids
Don't be tempted to use an illegal maid- although many do. Illegal maids are not on your or an agency's sponsorship. They don't have the correct residence permit to be working for you. If caught they can be deported and you can be fined around QR 40,000. Also if anything goes wrong you have no legal come back and can't do anything about any theft or the like.
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