What To Provide Your Maid With
What you should ideally provide for your helper- these will be written into your contract with your helper along with a list of duties and working hours:
1. Own room fully furnished with bed, linen, curtains, wardrobe, drawers, towels
2. Own bathroom if possible- if your villa has a proper maid’s quarters they can have a separate cooking area too.
3. TV with their local channels if possible- makes them feel less homesick
4. Food allowance (your maid may not eat the same food as your family)
5. Day off a week minimum
6. Basic toiletries- soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc.
7. Air ticket home and month’s leave yearly
8. Mobile phone- most opt for pay as you go and give a fixed monthly allowance to buy credit
9. Dental and health treatment- most would be covered through their Health Card but there may be extra medicines required that do not require a doctor’s trip.
10. Access to internet to keep in touch with family- you may want to allow your helper to use the internet sporadically at set times to send emails home.