Bahrain Ministry Contact Details:
Prime minister office:
Phone No Email Address
Private Office 207 9400 [email protected]
Cabinet Office 201 2142
Defence and Home Affairs 201 2409 [email protected]
Office of the First Deputy Prime Minister:
Address:P.O. Box 1000
Manama - Kingdom of Bahrain
Email: [email protected]
Ministry of interior:
address: P.O Box 13, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Ministry of foreign affairs:
Email:[email protected]
Minister of Housing
P.O. BOX 5802, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: 17533000
Minister of Health
Address:P.O.Box: 12. Building 1228, Road 4025, Juffair 340, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Telephone: +973 1728 8888.
Minister of Finance
Phone:973 17575000
Address: PO Box 333 , Manama, BAHRAIN
Fax:973 17531713
Minister of Education
phone:+973 17273656 43,manama,kingdom of bahrain,
Email:[email protected]
Minister of Labour and Social Development
phone:+973 17-87377
address:ministry of labor buliding,street 214,Isa town 32333,bahrain
Email:[email protected]
Minister of Electricity and Water Affairs
Phone: +973 17 515555
Email: [email protected]
Minister of Oil
Telephone: +973 - 17312644
Fax: +973 - 17293007
Address :GBCORP Tower, 19th Floor Building No. 1411, Road No. 4626, Block 346 - Bahrain Financial Harbour District, Sea Front/ Manama
P.O.Box 1435 Manama-Bahrain
E-Mail [email protected]
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications
Ministry of Transportation (Headquarters)
P.O. Box 10325
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17 337878
Fax: +973 17 534041
Courier address: 9th/32nd/33rd Floor, East Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour
Land Transportation
P.O. Box 10325
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17 337878
Fax: +973 17 534041
Courier address: 32nd Floor, East Tower, Bahrain Financial Harbour
Civil Aviation Affairs
P.O. Box 586
Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17351111
Courier address: Building 586, Road 2409, Muharraq 224
Ports and Maritime Affairs
P.O. Box 75315
Hidd,Kingdom of Bahrain
Tel: +973 17 359595
Fax: +973 17 359558
Courier address: Building 702, Road 1510, Hidd 115
Media and Public Relations
Tel: +973 17 337899
Email: [email protected]
Minister of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowment
Kingdom of Bahrain ,Diplomatic Area, Manama P.O.Box 450
Telephone:17513000 - Fax:17536343
Minister for Defence Affairs
Minister of Information Affairs
Tel: 00973 17871111
Fax: 00973 17681112
P.O. Box: 253 - Kingdom of Bahrain
Minister of Works, Municipalities and Urban Planning
Postal AddressP.O.Box. 53
Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain
Minister of Industry and Commerce and Tourism
Industry Affairs Tel : 17568000
Commerce Affairs Tel : 17574777
EMail: [email protected]
PO Box : 5479
Diplomatic Area, Manama Kingdom of Bahrain
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