The battle of Badr holds a great significance in Islamic history. It was the Battle that proved that strength of army and numbers of weapons are useless until you have Allah’s help with you.
The battle of Badr was the first major battle fought by the Muslims against the enemies of Islam during the Prophet’s PBUH life. There were 8 other raids conducted by the Muslims before the Batter of Badr. In 4 of the raids conducted before the Batter of Badr, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W participated himself.
It marked a great victory for Muslims. It was the fruit of their patience and firm belief in Allah Almighty. The Muslims faced hardships for 10 years while they were in Makkah, only for Allah’s sake. They were ordered to migrate to Madina and they did, leaving behind their valuables and lands.
The small groups of Muslim believers were rewarded with a remarkable victory in the battle of Badr. They defeated a strong and large army of disbelievers. After being victorious, Muslims were able to enjoy power.
1. Very few of us are aware that the battle of Badr took place in the month of Ramadan. The battle was fought on 17th of Ramadan i.e. March 17, 624. The battle took place two years after the Prophet PBUH migrated from Makkah to Madina.
2. The battle is also known as the battle of separation. It was the battle of Badr that separated truth from false. It was made clear to all that Allah is the Almighty and All-Powerful.
3. Badr is the area where the battle was fought; the reason why the battle got its name. Badr is located at south-west of Madina. It was used as a meeting point by those coming from Madina road and by the caravans approaching Makkah from Syria.
Badr is a place rich in date palms and water wells, it is naturally bordered by hills and mountains. Most of the present residents at Badr belong to a tribe named Harb.
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