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15 Hottest Examples of Stephanie McMahon’s WWE Evolution

10. Blazin’ At WrestleMania 32

Stephanie’s WrestleMania 32 attire shows once again that she knows she looks great in black and it also shows that she very well might be in better shape in her late 30s than she was in her early 20s. Stephanie showed off this fierce attire during then WWE World Heavyweight Champion HHH’s entrance. During this time the Authority angle may have worn thin with the WWE universe, but not on this night. Why? Because HHH was facing Roman Reigns, the WWE’s most hated face at the moment.

Smarks didn’t want to see this match happen as it came off as forced due to the obvious company movement to make Roman Reigns “THE guy.” Stephanie went a little old school and took a spear from Roman Reigns on route to her husband eating the pin and losing the championship. If anyone chooses to re-watch this rather lackluster main event again, just watch Stephanie; she’s far more entertaining than the actual match.


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